Grace Baptist Church is a mission minded church and there are many opportunities for mission work which include these opportunities
Adults on missions & Children’s missions
Adults on Missions at Grace Baptist started with the WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) back before the church was organized. By the end of 1924 (the same year Grace officially began) a group of eight WMU members grew to 39. The ladies worked in different ways to raise money for the new church – made and sold quilts, organized ice cream socials, and had candy sales in downtown Lexington.
Today, Adults on Missions and the Children’s Missions meet regularly throughout the year. The unwavering focus of Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) is making disciples of Jesus who can carry on the work of Christ through missions.
The curriculum for the Adults on Missions and Children’s Missions teaches about missionary families each month, along with additional projects and programs. The fundamental goal to both groups is to teach them that “God could be calling you to be a missionary!”
Adults on Missions and the Children’s Missions’ purpose is to learn about missions, pray for the nations, give to mission offerings and the Cooperative Program, and doing missions by sharing Christ with others.