Saturday, April 5, 2025
11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Everyone is welcome!
Make plans now to invite someone and join us for our
Easter Egg Hunt and activities! Children and adults will hear
the Resurrection Story, enjoy a delicious lunch, and create
beautiful crafts. Kids will then participate in our annual
Easter Egg Hunt.
Fun, Food, and Fellowship for everyone!
(Doors open @ 10:45 a.m.)

Happy Birthday Grace, from Dianne Petrey (current member):
Wow! One hundred years and still going strong! What an amazing day to celebrate the thousands upon thousands of people who walked through the doors of Grace Baptist Church on Bryan Avenue in Lexington, Kentucky.
I feel so blessed to be a part of this 100-year celebration. Only God could pull off something so miraculous in the life of this church.
Just think, over 100 years ago, a small group of men and women were sent from their home church of Felix Memorial to north Lexington to start a new church. We hear about this all the time now in our current religious communities across the world, but to be a part of something this grand is a once in a lifetime blessing for me.
I love looking back over the years of my life and seeing God’s hand in everything I’ve accomplished, defeated, and overcome. Four years ago, my husband and I moved into his childhood home. Little did I know that God was up to something. God placed the people in my life that led me to Grace Baptist, and I’ll forever be grateful.
God always looks out for the good of His children, and He knew that in 2024 I was going to be a part of a church family called Grace Baptist Church. I have never felt so blessed and overwhelmed with the love from this church family. To be a part of the celebration committee and all the details in pulling off this amazing birthday party is the highlight of my year!
Happy Birthday to Grace Baptist, and to all the men, women and children who grew up in the church and are still there. What amazing stories of redemption and celebration must have been witnessed by thousands of my brothers and sisters in Christ. May we continue to carry out God’s Word and to spread His love to all those who enter our doors and surrounding our community.
Some pictures from the Celebration dinner: